Repertoire Hub for Musicians

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This is an easy-to-use database for keeping track of your musical repertoire, programming concerts, keeping tabs on what you're currently working on, and having all the details on hand when the promoter comes with urgent questions.

It has an easy to fill out table:

  • Fill in the Composer's name, the title of the piece, and it's duration, it's forces (whether's that's solo or orchestra, or everything in between), and what instrument(s) the piece uses.
  • Select the status: is this a piece you're dying to learn? Select 'wishlist'. If it's something you're working on now? Select 'currently studying' - then it'll appear above the database itself.
  • Select the composer's nationality and themes the piece addresses. Fill out the composer's dates and the date the piece was written.
  • You can upload a copy of the score as a PDF, and include a link to a/your recording.
  • Select whether the piece has electronics
  • Select whether the piece is student-friendly, or comes from a place of diversity (i.e. represents women, NB, or BAME composers).
  • A template within each page keeps track of the details of performances, your collaboration with the composer (should they happen to be alive), and the composer's biography, a programme note for the piece and the tech rider (if the piece uses any electronics).
  • Fill in the number of pages the piece has (or set this to 100 if you want to work in percentages), and how many pages you've learned. Then the progress bar will represent your total progress

Above the database sits 'current repertoire'. Any repertoire with a status tagged as 'currently learning' will appear here, with the progress bar as well. You can change the photo to show either the score, or the header image from the page (which I usually set to be a photo of the composer).

You could also copy this part of the hub to your dashboard, so that when you're checking in with your daily to do list, your current repertoire appears there too.

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Repertoire Hub for Musicians

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